Driving Theory Training

Car Driving Tips for Beginners

If you want to learn how to drive a car and want to read about some of the basics that you need to consider while driving or just want a few driving tips, then you have come to the right place. When one is learning how to drive, there are a lot of things that need to be kept in mind.


Here are a few driving tips that a beginner should keep in mind:

1.           Get familiar with your car

The first thing that you should do before you start driving is to get settled with your vehicle. Get familiar with the basics of the car in theory before you practically start driving it. Learn what a clutch does, understand the gear arrangements and learn facts like one should never shift to a lower gear at a higher speed and that it's always better to let the car come to a stop before you engage the reverse gear.

2.      Correct your seating position

The right seating position is crucial; even experienced drivers don't position themselves correctly and thus lack comfort and control, which increases the possibility of accidents. 

3.     Avoid distractions

Avoid distractions while you are driving because nowadays the roads are jam packed and therefore you need to keep your eyes and attention focused towards it for every single second. Two most common and basic rules before you start driving; don't use a mobile phone while driving and don't drink and drive.

4.     Remember to use turn signals

Once you are on the road, you are one among many and therefore, it is very important that you alert the vehicles around you when you are about to turn. Using signals helps save a lot of mishaps on the road.

5.     Avoid over speeding

The most common temptation, when one is driving a car, is to speed up. It is very important that you first get familiar with the car before you start speeding.

Bright Learning centre help the students to learn and prepare for their theory test. Practice to pass your official driving theory test faster Practise the same kind of questions you'll be answering on the actual theory test. Bright Learning Centre provide  Driving Theory Training.



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